1 - FluentBit

Configuration settings for FluentBit log shipper

FluentBit is installed as daemon set on each of the k8s nodes by the helm chart. It follows FluentBit data pipeline setup designed for kubernetes environments.

The helm chart itself supports different deployment layouts depending on whether a simple or standard model is required. The standard model is recommended in production where various components runs in HA mode. In this case the FluentBit instances send the collected logs to kafka brokers. The kafka brokers are used for buffering and greatly increase the overall reliability and stability of the entire stack.

standard layout

In the simple case the FluentBit instances communicate directly with OpenSearch nodes. simple layout

In both cases there is a set of FluentBit configurations which is responsible for proper logs collection from the containers and enriching those with the respective kubernetes metadata such as namespace of the origin workload, its labels and so on. The metadata is later used in indexing, searchers and visualisations scenarios. This shared configuration is shown on the diagrams here as “kubernetes data pipeline”.

The “kubernetes data pipeline” uses standard “Tail” input plugin to read the logs from the mounted node filesystem, “Kube-Tag” parser plugin to generate FluentBit tag of the events. Followed by “Kubernetes” filter used to add the kubernetes metadata to the events followed by the end by a “de_dot” filter used to replace dots “.” with undescores “_” in event names.

The “kubernetes data pipeline” is the foundation of any application specific configurations. For example nginx ingress controller produces unstructured access logs. To parse those logs and transform the lines into structured json formatted messages we shall enrich the pipeline with corresponding filters and parsers.


The nginx access logs parsing example is located at fluentbit-configs folder. Any additional application specific configs needs to be saved in the same location following filenames the naming conventions. Aka filters needs to have “filter” predix, “parsers” for parsers and so on.

In the nginx access log example the rewrite_tag filter is used to tag messages originating from containers and which share the app_kubernetes_io/name: ingress-nginx label.

    Name          rewrite_tag
    Match         kube.*
    Rule          $kubernetes['labels']['app_kubernetes_io/name'] "^(ingress-nginx)$" nginx false
    Name          parser
    Match         nginx
    Key_Name      log
    Parser        k8s-nginx-ingress
    Reserve_Data  True

The messages are tagged and re-emitted in the FluentBit data pipeline. Later matched by the nginx parser which uses regex to construct a json formatted structured message

    Name         k8s-nginx-ingress
    Format       regex
    Regex        ^(?<host>[^ ]*) - (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^\"]*?)(?: +\S*)?)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*) "(?<referrer>[^\"]*)" "(?<agent>[^\"]*)" (?<request_length>[^ ]*) (?<request_time>[^ ]*) \[(?<proxy_upstream_name>[^ ]*)\] (\[(?<proxy_alternative_upstream_name>[^ ]*)\] )?(?<upstream_addr>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_response_length>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_response_time>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_status>[^ ]*) (?<reg_id>[^ ]*).*$
    Time_Key     time
    Time_Format  %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z

Additional parsers are supported such as multiline parses allowing to reconstruct java stacktraces into a single message. Here is an example of such configuration.


        Name                  rewrite_tag
        Match                 kube.*.logging.*.*
        Rule                  $kubernetes['labels']['type'] "^(zk)$" zookeeper false
        Emitter_Storage.type  filesystem
        Name                  multiline
        Match                 zookeeper
        multiline.parser      zookeeper_multiline


       name            zookeeper_multiline
       type            regex
       flush_timeout   1000
       key_content     log
       # Regex rules for multiline parsing
       # ---------------------------------
       #  - first state always has the name: start_state
       #  - every field in the rule must be inside double quotes
       # rules |  state name  | regex pattern                        | next state name
       # ------|--------------|--------------------------------------|----------------
       rule     "start_state"  "/^(?<exception>[^ ]+:)(?<rest>.*)$/"  "cont"
       rule     "cont"         "/\s+at\s.*/"                          "cont"

Hint: For high volume logs producers consider adding: Emmiter_Storage.type filesystem property. It allows additional buffering during re-emitting of the events, details see FluentBit rewrite-tag.

2 - OpenSearch

Configuration settings for OpenSearch

Kuberenetes logging helm chart supports multiple deployment layouts of OpenSearch, which both satisfy local development needs where minimum use of resources is required or production layout with additional Kafka brokers and HA setup of the various components.

By default the helm chart configures two indices with corresponding index templates. One index is containers-{YYYY.MM.dd} indexing by default all workloads logs and systemd-{YYYY.MM.dd} for storing journal system logs for “kubelet” or “containerd” services running on the respective cluster nodes. Both indices are created according index templates allowing later on dedicated visualizations in OpenSearch Dahboards UI.

“Containers” index template uses composable pattern and leverages a predefined component template named “kubernetes-metadata”.

containers  [containers-*]  0  [kubernetes-metadata]
systemd     [systemd-*]     0  []

The latter uses kubernetes metadata attached by the FluentBit log shippers to unify its structure among workloads. It shall be also used by any container specific index with the purpose of sharing the same kubernetes fields mappings.

The helm chart deploys all templates extensions found in index-templates folder. An example of such index template is nginx, which inherits the mappings in the “kubernetes-metadata” component templates and adds access logs fields mappings.

            "number_of_shards":"{{ (.Values.data.replicas | int) }}",
            "number_of_replicas":"{{ (sub (.Values.data.replicas | int) 1) }}",

2.1 - Index Management

Overview on supported OpenSearch index management scenarios

The helm chart maintains retention days for indices in OpenSearch using a ISM policy defined in file index-retention_policy.json. Value is taken from opensearch.retentionDays key.

Note: Retention period configured in the helm chart (7 days by default) shall reflect the size of the persistence volumes mounted by the OpenSearch data nodes. If the logs volume in the cluster is high, the data nodes PVs sizes shall correspond.

It is a good practice to have a resizable storage class in the cluster supporting updates on the persistence volumes. When the persistence volumes fill up, the OpenSearch data node switch to read-only mode and new logs are prevented from indexing.

2.2 - Possible problems

OpenSearch / ElasticSearch is pretty nice piece of technology with many self-healing procedure, but sometimes manual interventions is required. In this chapter you can find solutions for some problems.

2.2.1 - Missing data node


In this guide I expect, that you have access to Kubernetes cluster and have portfoward to some OpenSearch node (= pod from Kubernetes perspective). I recommend chose one node client type.
All API call to OpenSearch cluster beginning: curl -ks https://<Name>:<Password>@localhost:9200/<Source>, where:

  • <Name> = user name in OpenSearch cluster with admin privileges
  • <Password> = corespondig password for admin account
  • <Source> = datapoint from OpenSearch cluster
  1. Check current status:
$ curl -ks https://<Name>:<Password>@localhost:9200/_cat/health

1654179496 14:18:16 logging yellow 5 1 true 30 30 0 0 27 0 - 52.6%

our cluster is in yellow state

  1. List all available nodes from OpenSearch perspective:
$ curl -ks https://<Name>:<Password>@localhost:9200/_cat/nodes  72  97 1 0.30 0.36 0.35 mr  - ofd-manager-0 51  76 1 0.30 0.36 0.35 r   - ofd-client-56dd9c66fb-bs7hp  53  76 4 0.30 0.36 0.35 dir - ofd-data-1  21 100 1 1.73 0.82 0.41 mr  * ofd-manager-1 19  76 1 0.30 0.36 0.35 r   - ofd-client-56dd9c66fb-q9tv5

here you can see multinode setup, where must exist two nodes from type client, data and manager (6 OpenSearch nodes total)

one datanode “ofd-data-0” is missing

  1. Check suspicious pods:
$ kubectl -n logging get pods | grep data
ofd-data-0    1/1    Running    0    130m
ofd-data-1    1/1    Running    0    129m

from Kubernetes perspective this pods (OpenSearch node) working fine

  1. Check logs from suspicious pod:
$ kubectl -n logging logs ofd-data-0
"message": "failed to join ...
Caused by: org.opensearch.cluster.coordination.CoordinationStateRejectedException: join validation on cluster state with a different cluster uuid 2UlST0WBQIKEV05cDpuWwQ than local cluster uuid v1vi49Q_RRaaC83iMthBnQ, rejecting

it seems, that this node hold old previously used OpenSearch cluster ID and attempt to connect to this old OpenSearch cluster instance

this is reason, why this node is missing

  1. Reset failed data node:
  • login to this pod:
    $ kubectl -n logging exec -i -t ofd-data-0 -- /bin/bash
  • delete datadir in this pod:
    $ rm -rf /data/nodes
  • logout from this pod:
    $ exit
  • delete this pod for restarting:
    $ k -n logging delete pod ofd-data-0
    pod "ofd-data-0" deleted
  1. Check OpenSearch cluster health again:
$ curl -ks https://<Name>:<Password>@localhost:9200/_cat/health
1654180648 14:37:28 logging yellow 6 2 true 45 30 0 4 11 0 - 75.0%
1654180664 14:37:44 logging yellow 6 2 true 53 30 0 2 5 0 - 88.3%
1654180852 14:40:52 logging green 6 2 true 60 30 0 0 0 0 - 100.0%

our cluster is still in yellow state

running curl command over time give information, that cluster regenerating

wait some time and if this problem was solved, you can see cluster again healthy in green state

3 - OpenSearch-Dashboards

OpenSearch Dashboards configurations

Kubernetes logging helm chart deploys an single instance of OpenSearch Dashboards (or just Dashboards) presenting the UI interface to OpenSearch indices.

The helm chart enables authentication configurations based on SAML, ODIC or standalone and leverages dashboards tenant concept. The latter allows teams to innovate UIs such as searches, visualizations and dashboards in shared tenant space leaving a predefined readonly UIs at a global space. Once the UIs are ready to be promoted those can become part of the helm chart saved-objects folder and become standard set of the chart deployment.


In addition the helm chart provisions an OpenSearch DataPrepper component which allows OpenTelemetry traces to be indexed and later visualized at Dashboards observability UI.

3.1 - Opensearch-Dashboards Authentication & Authorization

Opensearch Dashboards authentication & authorization configurations


3.2 - OpenSearch-Dashboards-Observability

OpenSearch Dashboards observability pluging

The Observability plugin allow you to visualize tracing data.

Example: opentelemetry

3.3 - Opensearch-Dashboards Visualizations

Opensearch Dashboards visualizations configurations


4 - Kafka

Configuration settings for Kafka

Kubernetes logging helm chart deploys Apache Kafka as a message broker between FluentBit and Logstash for improving stability and loadbalance in big deployments.

From helm chart version 4.6.0 we omited Apache ZooKeeper as Kafka dependency. Kafka from version 2.8.0 introduced KRaft aka ZooKeeper-less mode. From Kafka version 3.3.0 is KRaft marked as production ready, so, we decide to adopt it in the logging helm chart to save some resources and deploying time. Kafka in Raft mode need to have generated cluster ID. Please check how to generating cluster ID.

4.1 - Howtos

How to achieve …

Here you can find guidelines, how to manipulate with Kafka in context of logging helm chart.

4.1.1 - How to generating cluster ID

How to generating cluster ID

Cluster ID is required for each Kafka instance to know, to which instance it must to connect and make cluster. It is also used to preparing storage space. We need to set all Kafka instance same cluster ID. If you omit this settings, all Kafka instance generate their own ID and reject make cluster.

There is many ways, how to generate the ID, but I recommend use this chain of Bash command:

$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | tr -d '-' | base64 | cut -b 1-22

You can also use built-in script:

$ bin/kafka-storage.sh random-uuid

Or just start one Kafka instance without the cluster ID settings and it will be generated to the logs.


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